
Virginia Dare



Making time for friendships

It’s a funny truth: what seems urgent isn’t always what’s most important. And yet, so many things feel urgent on a daily basis, don’t they? It can be easy to swing from one pressing task to the next, go to bed, and then repeat. Planning and enjoying a beautiful day with friends can initially feel frivolous. Afterward, though, we find ourselves walking away with such renewal, a new spring in our step, and the realization that meeting with kindreds was just what we needed. There’s just so much beauty and joy in it!…

“…in life, it is often the tiny details that end up being the most important.” 

-Lemony Snicket


VDDCO: Hello! We are excited to have you with us today. So, what exactly is protocol and etiquette?

ABIGAIL: Yes! So, they’re slightly different but a lot the same. Protocol refers more to the business and military side of things. Etiquette is also used in professional settings, but we mainly think of etiquette in terms of social settings–what it is perhaps expected.  

Etiquette helps to put your mind at ease, gives you more confidence in nearly any setting, and helps you to be more aware of the comfort and feelings of other people.  

“The power of finding beauty in the humblest things makes home happy and life lovely.”

-Louisa May Alcott

If home is where the heart is, then the heart of the home must be the kitchen. Whether pancake breakfasts or late night conversations, we can all agree that the kitchen is a comforting and delightful place to gather. It tends to be the room that holds quite a bit of a home’s magic and memories because there’s nothing quite like food to bring us together…

“…if we wait until we’re ready, we’ll be waiting for the rest of our lives.”

– Lemony Snicket

Have you ever wanted to start a business of your own? It’s an exciting journey to take, but it can feel daunting. Unknowns abound, and those unknowns can either cause us to pull away in hesitation, or lean in with the grandest of hope for the future and belief in our abilities… 

Friendships built through shared work and a common goal are special friends, indeed.

Watch a video recap!

Music by Ethan Dean

Since nearly the beginning of our company, there have been a handful of giving and creative women who have been by my side for this journey. As we’re preparing to gather again this Friday for our second team weekend (hooray!), I’m thinking back to several months ago when we had our first one…..